Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Get into the groove!

First of all, I am very excited to announce my first published article in Baseball Player Magazine.  It is hard to decide if I am more excited about that or having the wonderful Ashley Massoni highlighted on literally the next page (check out her video on Youtube if you haven't already).  You can read the articles and see some of the great things that this magazine has to offer by clicking on http://issuu.com/baseballplayermagazine/docs/bpm_spr_2010 . Sooo exciting. 

I threw today for a little over an hour, and have been joking that I am ready for a comeback since I feel outstanding.  I am doing a lot less drill work, throwing harder, and my spins are working so well.  Hopefully, I won't be sore tomorrow.  Speaking of spins, it has come to my attention that many pitchers have spent the winter perfecting pitches that they are not throwing at all in games.  Why is that?  If it is a brand new pitch, and you just don't feel comfortable with it right away, then you should throw it either when you have a tremendous lead or when your team is getting annihilated.  Either way, no harm done.  If you do not have enough time to warm up all of your spins, address the issue with your coach.  Every girl's coach should know exactly how much time it takes her to warm up.  This decreases the risk of injury and makes the pitcher much more effective in the long run.  If you are in the more delicate situation of having a coach or catcher unwilling to call your new pitch, offer to show it off in scrimmages or during team bp to demonstrate its effectiveness.  This will also help your own confidence in the pitch. 

Remember, being a good pitcher is different from just being a good "thrower."  Being a good pitcher entails being smart about location, mix of pitches, and how to throw to different batters.  No great pitcher has every gotten away with just one really good pitch (I could see where one might argue the case for Rivera, but he is just like superhuman).  Know your strongest pitches each day (they might be different on any given day) and work the locations that complement them.  Remember, you will ALWAYS need to work your fastball.  People fall in love with spin pitches and then forget about the old "number one."  Your fastball is not only the basis for your mechanics, but it is also typically a little quicker than your spins.  Spot it and use it at least a few times a game.  Keep spinning and keep working hard.

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